
Friday, September 4, 2009

[WORKSHOP] 9/12/09 - "free" paper filing workshop for artists!

organized. by jenny is superbly stoked to be putting on a "free" paper filing workshop in the los angeles area for local artists. it's presented by (great place to get artists work and political tees) and we'll be running the first in a series of workshop for artists called "a piece of art for peace of mind." basic filing supplies will be sponsored for the workshop participants by organized. by jenny and

the workshops are free to artists in exchange for a piece of their art. that art will be donated to support the tuesday nite cafe project ( both blacklava and tuesday nite cafe are stalwarts in the asian pacific american community, nurturing artists, causes and community for more than a decade each.

check out the link to the workshop on the logo for "a piece of art for peace of mind." and register please spread the word!

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